Johnson Field is our primary Radio Control airfield located on leased property on the Johnson family farm on Cream Road in Oxford.

Photo of Johnson Field

Aerial View of Johnson Field
Map of Johnson Field
Map of Johnson Field
Directions to Johnson Field
- From anywhere to the Route 1 Exit for Route 10 North.
- Turn left onto Street Road past the Hostetters Grain facility
- Take either Street Road or Jackson School Road to Scroggy Road
- Turn right onto Scroggy Road and proceed to Cream Road
- Turn right on Cream Road just before the bridge over Octorara creek
- The field driveway will be the first right turn (dirt road) just across from the Johnson farm house
Johnson Field Rules
All flying should be to the south of the runway line over the field. Avoid excessive flying to the west (entrance) end of the runway in order to reduce the noise impact on neighboring homes.
The field opens for flying at 9:00 AM on weekdays, 10:00 AM on Saturdays and 12:00 Noon on Sundays and continues until dusk. Johnson Field is open all week.
There are specific noise restrictions at this field. All two-stroke models must be less than 95db and four-cycle engines must be less than 100db (when measured at 9 feet at full throttle). A decibel meter is located in the flight shed and two marker points are painted on the ground at the east end of the pits.